About Us

I have developed this brand based on my lifestyle. I am extremely busy and most of the things I do are scheduled and pre-planned (I love a good planner). I live in a small town called Stafford where we don't really have immediate access to most of the makeup brands and our highstreet stores don't really cater for women of colour unless you're that one token shade - meh! Places like Selfridges or the big department stores require a full day trip to another City to get what we need. We can order online, but we have to wait on delivery etc. Nothing is instant or easily accessible even if you do live in the City. Being a Black woman, I have used my own experiences and difficulties buying makeup to create a brand that is diverse and inclusive. It is hugely important for me to pick base colours and tones that I knew would suit all skin tones.
Leading such a busy lifestyle, I personally like to be able to pull up and nip in, whether it be the supermarket or the salon. This is where the biggest concept of the brand came from 'Nip and run'. I want this brand to be accessible everywhere to everyone! So if you have a boutique, salon or clinic and want to stock the products, please drop me an email and we can get this set up for you too: trade@winniebeau.com.
The inspiration for the business came from my love and passion for makeup, skin care, science, and my work within the beauty industry. From photoshoots to in-clinic clients, this was the perfect way to progress in something close to my heart; hence the personal meaning behind the naming of the company - Winnie Beau London.
My absolute favourite person in the world, my nan – Winnie! So she obviously had to take crowning glory and be the brand name.
Winnie had lived in London most of her life and beau means beautiful woman or handsome man, so Winnie Beau London was born - everything just fit.
We have worked with some amazingly talented Makeup Schools, Masterclasses, Makeup Artists and painted the faces of a few A list celebrities as seen on our social media. We have had some AMAZING press reviews, which I am massively proud of despite only being founded end 2017.
If there is anything I can help you with, like choosing the right shade for you; please send me a message and ill be happy to help.
Love always,
Hannah-Curlita xx